Space News for Saturday, July 20, 2024

ESA supports work on Apophis mission

Original Publication Date: 2024-07-20 01:10

European Space Agency will allow a proposed mission to the asteroid Apophis to proceed. Ramses is designed to visit Apophis before that asteroid makes a very close flyby of Earth in 2029. ESA members will decide on funding Ramses at its next ministerial meeting in 2025.

Maxar Intelligence unveils first images from next-generation WorldView Legion satellites

Original Publication Date: 2024-07-18 12:45

Maxar Intelligence releases first images from its WorldView Legion satellites. The inaugural pair of these advanced Earth observation satellites were launched on May 2. WorldView Legion is Maxar’s latest constellation of high-resolution Earth imaging satellites. The company aims to have all six satellites launched an in operation by the end of 2024.

Amazon gears up for NASA satellite data relay demonstration

Original Publication Date: 2024-07-18 12:18

Amazon is preparing to demonstrate data relay services for NASA in the spring. The company recently completed initial in-orbit demonstrations. Amazon’s multi-billion-dollar launch campaign also includes Arianespace, Blue Origin and SpaceX. NASA awarded contracts worth a total $278.5 million in June 2022.

NASA signs U.S., Saudi Arabia agreement for civil aeronautics, space collaboration – SatNews

Original Publication Date: 2024-07-19 00:00

The United States and Saudi Arabia signed a framework agreement that opens new possibilities for cooperation with NASA. The agreement also acknowledges the importance of the Artemis Accords, which Saudi Arabia signed in July 2022. In May 2023, two Saudi mission specialists, Ali Alqarni and Rayyanah Barnawi, were among a group of private astronauts who launched into orbit aboard a SpaceX Dragon.

Hubble Studies a Potential Galactic Merger

NGC 5238 may have had a close encounter with another galaxy as recently as a billion years ago. As the two galaxies interacted, their gravity caused distortions in the distribution of stars in each galaxy. There’s no nearby galaxy which could have caused this disturbance, so astronomers think NGC 5238 devoured a smaller satellite galaxy.

Amendment 34: A.14 Integrated Water Field Campaign Final Text and Due Dates

A.14 Integrated Water Field Campaign is intended to identify and characterize novel physical processes and interactions that can be measured. Of particular interest are investigations exploring the flows of rivers through complex networks. The impact of freshwater input on ocean salinity, stratification, heat delivery, and ocean dynamics has cascading implications for other Earth system processes.

Episode 4: A Lifetime on Mars: The Adventures of Spirit and Opportunity

The Mars rovers Spirit and Opportunity failed to land on the planet in 2004. The Martian atmosphere had ballooned, making it difficult to open a parachute. NASA engineers fine-tuned the landing instructions for the Spirit and Opportunity rovers as they approached Mars. This is the fourth episode of the “On a Mission’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory” podcast.